Tag: #DigitalTransformation #RelationshipManagement #OmnichannelManagement #CustomerExperience #CRM #ROMA #ArtificialIntelligence
ROMA360 is the Perfect Solution for your Unique Needs
The experience of working on over 100 projects worldwide has given us a deep understanding of diverse needs and cultures. Each country has its own particularities, and every company is a unique universe. A company in a specific sector may have different requirements due to its operational methods, the size and efficiency of its staff,…
The Philosophy behind the Design of ROMA360’s Architecture
Continuing with the origin of ROMA, it is important to deeply understand how the system was conceived. The omnichannel software ROMA is like bamboo in the world of technology. Just as bamboo grows rapidly and adapts to a variety of climates and soils, ROMA easily integrates into various markets and sectors thanks to its flexible…
How did ROMA360 come about?
It is very difficult to pinpoint the exact moment of ROMA’s inception. Throughout our experience working with the Low-Code GeneXus tool, we have undoubtedly had the opportunity to undertake more than 100 projects in different countries and technologies. This has given us the chance to acquire a wealth of knowledge over more than 25 years…
What is the true value of ROMA360?
To build and create with the mindset that what we are doing will help someone is the true value of our product ROMA.
What is ROMA360?
ROMA, known as Relationship Omnichannel Management Application, is much more than just software: it is the key to gaining a comprehensive, 360-degree view of your company. Inspired by the ancient saying “all roads lead to Rome,” this system not only takes you to the heart of your organization but also guides you towards greater operational…